Fusion and Plasmas Dynamics Laboratory
- C. Sung, A. E. White, N. T. Howard, D. Mikkelsen,
- 관리자 |
- 2020-06-01 11:00:27|
- 127
C. Sung, A. E. White, N. T. Howard, D. Mikkelsen, J. Rice, M. L. Reinke, C. Gao, P. Ennever, M. Porkolab, R. Churchill, C. Theiler, J. Walk, J. Hughes, A. Hubbard, M. Greenwald and the C-Mod team,
“Changes in turbulence and transport across the ohmic confinement transition,”
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, 2014.
“Changes in turbulence and transport across the ohmic confinement transition,”
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, 2014.