Fusion and Plasmas Dynamics Laboratory
- C. Sung, G. Wang, T. Rhodes, S. Smith, G. Staebler
- 관리자 |
- 2020-06-01 11:11:03|
- 127
C. Sung, G. Wang, T. Rhodes, S. Smith, G. Staebler, E. Davis, M. Ono, D. Eldon, R. Groebner, C. Chystal, W. Peebles,
“Electron temperature fluctuations and comparison to TGLF model during RMP induced ELM suppression,”
US Transport Taskforce (TTF) workshop, 2016.
“Electron temperature fluctuations and comparison to TGLF model during RMP induced ELM suppression,”
US Transport Taskforce (TTF) workshop, 2016.